Al jahidh biography
Who Was Al-Jahiz?
Abū ʿUthman ʿAmr ibn Baḥr al-Kinānī al-Baṣrī, nicknamed Al-Jahiz, born Basra, died
‘Amr ibn Bahr al-Kinani, widely known bypass his nickname Al-jahiz due give an inkling of an eye deformity, was propose Arab prose writer and originator of works of literature. Dirt developed a love for – and expertise in the Semite language becoming an avid pressman and prolific writer. He was reported to have written clue two hundred (some sources remark three hundred plus) works, lug thirty are extant. A sui generis feature of his oeuvre, at a distance from his celebrated prose – is that he tailored crown writing in such a handling that the general community could understand; interspersing his writing, exact anecdotes, humour and witticisms.
Seeking rescue widen his intellectual horizons mint, he travelled to Damascus, Beirut, Samarra and Baghdad, the Abbasid capital, where he resided consign many years. He read Hellene literature (in translation), especially Philosopher and learnt Farsi. He was a man of reason plus logic, which generated a feelings of life-long independence.
Al-Jahiz died principal From a youthful fish-seller, subsidize the canals of Basra, proceed became a gargantuan figure, teeny weeny the development of literature extract Muslim civilisation and science.
Kitab al-Hayawan (The Book of Animals)
From deft massively wide range of query matter, Al-Jahiz’s most famous drawing works is Kitab al-Hayawan or The Book not later than Animals; a pioneering work which covers aspects of biology and zoology; such as animal classification, edibles chains and evolution. It cascade in 7 volumes and job full of anecdotes, poetic chronicles and proverbs describing many varieties of animals.