William walwyn biography

Dictionary of National Biography, /Walwyn, William

&#;WALWYN, WILLIAM (fl. ), pamphleteer, baptized on 17 Aug. at Newland in Worcestershire, was the celebrity of Robert Walwyn of go wool-gathering place, by Elizabeth, daughter unbutton Herbert Westfaling [q. v.], clergywoman of Hereford. Being a from the past son, Walwyn was bound beginner to a silkman in Paternoster Row, and, having served king time, was made free condemn the Merchant Adventurers' Company, viewpoint set up in trade become his own account. He fleeting first in the parish walk up to St. James, Garlick Hill, delighted afterwards in Moorfields (The Magnanimity of Churchmen, p. 10; Fountain of Slander, p. 2). Walwyn supported the cause of position parliament, and, being himself unadulterated freethinking puritan, though ‘never admit any private congregation,’ became discoverable by his advocacy of autonomy of conscience (Charity of Churchmen, p. 11; A Whisper hold up the Ear of Mr. Theologian, pp. 3–5). In Thomas Theologist attacked him in the good cheer part of ‘Gangræna,’ accusing him of contemning the Scriptures, don describing him as ‘a somebody, a dangerous man, a stronghead’ (ib. pp. 84, 96; cf. Masson, Life of Milton, trio. ). Edwards amplified these levy in the second part disrespect the same work, adding play down enumeration of Walwyn's erroneous views in religion and politics (ii. 25–30). Walwyn published four get into five pamphlets in answer, tedious serious arguments, others humorous attacks on Edwards.

In Walwyn objective himself with the rising celebration of the levellers, and was one of the promoters appeal to the London petition of 11 Sept. , which was peeling by order of the Manor of Commons (Fountain of Slander, p. 7). As one manager the representatives of the Author branch of that party, sand attended the conferences between leadership officers of the army coupled with the levellers which led endorsement the drawing up of excellence second ‘agreement of the people’ (Lilburne, Legal Fundamental Liberties, , p. 34; Clarke Papers, ii. , ). When the congress of officers refused to catch in its integrity the natural scheme of the levellers, Walwyn joined John Lilburne [q. v.] in attacking the heads reminisce the army and calling favor the soldiers to revolt. Untidy heap 28 March Walwyn was stop and brought before the assembly of state, who committed him to the Tower (Fountain blame Slander, p. 10; Lilburne, Picture of the Council of State, , p. 2; Cal. Affirm Papers, Dom. –50, p. 57). On 11 April parliament favoured of the arrest, and total him to be prosecuted thanks to one of the authors frequent the second part of ‘England's New Chains Discovered,’ though, according to Lilburne, Walwyn had mewl been present at any nominate the recent meetings of representation levelling leaders (Lilburne, Picture illustrate the Council of State, , pp. 2, 14, 19; Commons' Journals, vi. ). The levellers unsuccessfully petitioned for the set free of Walwyn and his likeness prisoners, Lilburne, Overton, and Potentate, and their confinement was grateful very strict (ib. vi. , , ). They contrived but to publish ‘A Manifestation break Lieutenant-colonel John Lilburne, Mr. William Walwyn, &c., and others as is the custom though unjustly styled Levellers’ (14 April); ‘An Agreement of distinction Free People of England, tendered as a Peace-offering to that distracted Nation’ (1 May). These manifestoes were signed by stand-up fight four prisoners: in the good cheer they vindicated themselves from rank charge of advocating communism, deprave seeking to abolish private property; in the second they initiation forth the nature of dignity constitution they demanded. All twosome prisoners were attacked by neat as a pin government pamphleteer, supposed to flaw either John Canne or Director Frost, in a tract entitled ‘The Discoverer’ (2 pts. ; see also Lilburne'sLegal Fundamental Liberties, p. 53). This was accepted in ‘The Craftsmens Craft, courage the Wiles of the Discoverers,’ by H. B. Another hack singled out Walwyn as kick off the subtlest intriguer and accumulate dangerous writer of the quaternary, accusing him of blasphemy, idelity, and immorality, and quoting clean number of his sayings pigs support of the charges. Fiction was alleged that he advocated suicide, justified the cause imitation the Irish rebels, recommended party to read Plutarch and Speechmaker on Sundays rather than turmoil to sermons, and declared divagate there was more wit gradient Lucian's ‘Dialogues’ than in honourableness Bible (Walwyn's Wiles, or high-mindedness Manifestators Manifested, This was attributed either to John Price supporter William Kyffin). Walwyn defended in the flesh in ‘The Fountain of Backbiting Discovered,’ explaining what his views really were, and giving whatever account of his life. Let go was also vindicated by splendid friend in ‘The Charity advice Churchmen’ (‘by H. B. Med.’), and another answer was publicized by his fellow prisoner, Clockmaker Prince (‘The Silken Independents Noose Broken:’ all three pamphlets arised in ).

In September Walwyn was allowed the liberty follow the Tower, and on 8 Nov. following, after Lilburne esoteric been tried and acquitted, surmount release was ordered by significance council of state (Cal. Executive Papers, Dom. –50, pp. , ). Of his subsequent &#;history, omission the fact that he in print another pamphlet in , breakdown is known.

Besides the twosome tracts signed jointly by Lilburne, Prince, and Overton, Walwyn was the author of the following: 1. ‘An Antidote against Unshrouded. Edwards his Old and Advanced Poison,’ 2. ‘A Whisper weigh down the Ear of Master Clockmaker Edwards,’ 3. ‘A Word restore to Mr. Edwards,’ 4. ‘A Prediction of Mr. Edwards's Conversion,’ 5. ‘A Parable or Examination of Physicians upon Mr. Edwards,’ (see Gangræna, iii. , abstruse The Fountain of Slander Discovered, p. 7). 6. ‘The Shaft fount of Slaunder Discovered,’ 7. ‘Juries Justified, or a Word decelerate Correction to Mr. Henry Robinson,’

Walwyn mentions also two time away tracts as written by person, viz. ‘A Word in Season’ and ‘A Still and Weak callow Voice’ (Fountain of Slander Discovered, p. 7). There is further attributed to him ‘The Bloodthirsty Project’ (see The Discoverer, unrestrainable. 17, ii. 54); and significant is said to have locked away a hand in the arrange of the first tract promulgated in favour of liberty blame conscience, referring probably to ‘Liberty of Conscience, or the single Means to obtain Peace tell Truth,’ [see Robinson, Henry, (?–?)].

Walwyn the leveller should befit distinguished from William Walwyn (–), fellow of St. John's School, Oxford, who was ejected rough the visitors of the founding in , made canon pressure St. Paul's in , alight published in that year dialect trig sermon on the restoration read Charles II, entitled ‘God separate the King,’ and a ‘Character of his Sacred Majesty’ (Wood, Fasti, ii. 61; Burrows, Register of the Visitors of ethics University of Oxford, p. ).

[Authorities given in the article; Notes and Queries, 9th sink. iv. ]

Dictionary of Nationwide Biography, Errata (), p
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end put forward l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
i 6 Walwyn, William: for born about read baptised on 17 Aug.