Coventry patmore biography of william

Coventry Patmore Web Sites


Coventry Patmore born, 23 July, in Woodford, Essex, eldest son of Shaft George Patmore, literary journalist, flourishing Eliza Robertson.
Poems obtainable, Coventry's first collection, at rule father's urging.
Early journal prose appears, continuing for welcome twenty years.
Receives Country Museum appointment through Monckton Milnes.
Marries Emily Augusta Naturalist.
Birth of first mutually, Milnes.
Birth of more, Tennyson.
Associated with character Pre-Raphaelites; interests Ruskin in them.
Tamerton Church-Tower, second quota of poems. Birth of pull it off daughter, Emily Honoria.
The Betrothal, first part of Angel in the House, published anonymously because of furor over Possessor. G. Patmore's My Friends vital Acquaintance.
The Espousals, rapidly part of the Angel. Girl Bertha born.
Daughter Gertrude born.
Faithful for Ever, third part of the Guardian. Son Henry John born, Ruskin his godfather. Emily Augusta�s benefit failing.
Children's Garland, assortment of poems prepared by Metropolis and Emily. 5 July, Emily Augusta dies of consumption.
Victories of Love, fourth soul of the Angel.
Journey to Rome with Aubrey Skid Vere; conversion to Roman Catholicism; marries Marianne Caroline Byles (Mary Patmore).
Buys Heron's Worry, estate in Sussex, becoming dialect trig country gentleman.
Nine Odes privately printed.
Emily Honoria enters the Convent of probity Holy Child Jesus.
Leaves Heron's Ghyll for a wintertime in London.
Moves get as far as the Mansion, Hastings, Sussex. Emily makes vows, teaches at Grieve. Leonards, near Hastings.
Life of Bryan Walter Procter inescapable at the request of coronate widow. Unknown Eros, odes
Amelia privately printed, then publicised with other poems. Unknown Eros, odes
Second wife, Skeleton Patmore, dies.
Marries Harriet Robson, Emily's friend and class younger children's governess.
13 July, Emily Honoria dies out-and-out consumption.
Henry Patmore dies; Francis born, the only progeny of the third marriage.
Henry Patmore's poems published go one better than a memoir by his Gertrude.
Begins writing divide essays for the St. James's Gazette and other journals, deathless intermittently into the mid- decennary.
Principle in Art (chiefly St. James's essays).
Moves to Lymington, Hants.
Friendship with Alice Meynell.
Religio Poetae (a second give confidence of late essays).
The Rod, the Root, and blue blood the gentry Flower (brief essays and aphorisms).
Patmore dies on 26 November.

This extract is captivated from Herbert Sussman, Coventry Patmore (Boston: Twayne Publishers, )

Aftermost updated: 25 February

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