Julieta RosenMexican actress (born )Julieta RosenRosen in BornJulieta Rosen () 8 November (age;62)91;193;Mexico City, MexicoOccupationActressYears;activepresentJulieta Rosen (Spanish pronunciation:91;xuˈljetaˈrosen93;); born 8 November in Mexico City, Mexico) is a Mexican actress. Her father is Mexican and her mother is Swedish.
Renowned musician Neyveli Santhanagopalan directed the nbsp;innovative Carnatic choir performanceCongregational singing is alien to Indian classical music. Thyagaraja Pancharatna Kirtanas and bhajans are perhaps the only exceptions.
Zaini AbdullahIndonesian politician (born )Zaini Abdullah (born 24 April ) is an Indonesian politician and former separatist activist of the Free Aceh Movement (or GAM, Gerakan Aceh Merdeka) in Indonesia who was elected as the governor of the province of Aceh in the election for a five-year period from to 91;193; Elected with 56 of the vote, Zaini Abdullah is the second governor directly chosen by the electors of Aceh since the granting of restricted autonomy to the area by the Indonesian government in 91;293; His predecessor Irwandi Yusuf, who was elected in for the period from to , was the first governor chosen in the province by direct elections. 91;393;Zaini Abdullah was sworn into office as governor in a ceremony held in conjunction with a plenary session of the Aceh Provincial Legislative Assembly (DPRA or Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh) in Banda Aceh, 25 June The ceremony and other official arrangements were, however, marred by a personal assault on the former governor, Irwandi Yusuf, by supporters of the new governor and by a grenade attack earlier in the day at the house of a local GAM leader.
Glen Walker Biography | WikiGlen Walker is an American Award-winning journalist who presently works as a helicopter traffic and news reporter at KTLA 5 News. Glen works at KTLA 5 News at 11 as the co-anchor at Noon, KTLA 5 News at 1, and KTLA 5 News at 3.
Lilibeth MorilloIn this Spanish name, the first or paternal32;surname is Rodríguez32;and the second or maternal family name is Morillo. Musical artistLilibeth Rodríguez Morillo (born June 12, in Caracas) is a Venezuelan singer, songwriter, actress and television host.
Barack Obama The biography for President Obama and past presidents is courtesy of the White House Historical Association. Barack Obama served as the 44th President of the United States.
Kaki LeungMy "Spiritual" Ex-LoverHong Kong Drama, , 15 eps(Support Role)15Support RoleMadam Cutie on DutyHong Kong Drama, , 20 epsSo Fung Nei(Main Role)20So Fung NeiMain RoleCome On, CousinHong Kong Drama, , 30 eps Siu Bo Go "Snoopy"(Support Role)30 Siu Bo Go "Snoopy"Support RoleICAC Investigators Hong Kong Drama, , 5 eps(Support Role)5Support RoleSwipe Tap LoveHong Kong Drama, , 20 eps Sung Lau Guen "Natasha"(Support Role)20 Sung Lau Guen "Natasha"Support RoleKarma RiderHong Kong Drama, , 20 eps Foon Jing(Support Role)20 Foon JingSupport RoleBeauty at WarHong Kong Drama, , 30 eps(Support Role)30Support RoleA Great Way to Care Season 2Hong Kong Drama, , 25 eps Cheung Siu Ha(Support Role)25 Cheung Siu HaSupport RoleReality CheckHong Kong Drama, , 20 eps Fong Bui Kei "Peggy"(Support Role)20 Fong Bui Kei "Peggy"Support RoleThe Last Steep AscentHong Kong Drama, , 25 eps Chung Lok Ho(Support Role)25 Chung Lok HoSupport RoleThree Kingdoms RPGHong Kong Drama, , 25 eps Wong Yuet Ying (Support Role)25 Wong Yuet Ying Support RoleNo Good Either WayHong Kong Drama, , 21 eps Wong Sui Sui(Support Role)21 Wong Sui SuiSupport RoleRelic of an EmissaryHong Kong Drama, , 30 eps Ma Chan Wai(Support Role)30 Ma Chan WaiSupport RoleGrace Under FireHong Kong Drama, , 32 eps Tong Suet Kiu(Support Role)32 Tong Suet KiuSupport RoleDropping by Cloud NineHong Kong Drama, , 10 eps Ivy (Main Role)10 Ivy Main RoleTwilight InvestigationHong Kong Drama, , 20 eps Ho Lai Sing(Support Role)20 Ho Lai SingSupport RoleDon Juan DeMercadoHong Kong Drama, , 6 eps Reporter(Support Role)6 ReporterSupport RoleICAC Investigators Hong Kong Drama, , 5 eps Liang Xing Jia(Support Role)5 Liang Xing JiaSupport RoleD. AgainHong Kong Drama, , 25 eps Siu Man Man(Support Role)25 Siu Man ManSupport RoleBurning Flame Season 3Hong Kong Drama, , 32 eps Betty(Support Role)32 BettySupport RoleE.
Heather ReismanCanadian businesswomanDate of Birth: Country: CanadaContent:Biography of Heather ReismanEarly CareerEntrepreneurship and SuccessIndigo Books and MusicPhilanthropyRecognition and HonorsBiography of Heather ReismanHeather Reisman is a Canadian businesswoman, founder, and CEO of the Canadian retail chain 'Indigo Books and Music'. She was born in Montreal, Quebec.
Edmund SpenserSpenser, Edmund (born ; died ), has a right to his place in this work extrinsically and intrinsically. Extrinsically his odes, entitled by himself Fowre Hymnes, give us a connecting link with Chaucer; and intrinsically they are of "the brave translunary things" that ought long since to have introduced much in them to the Church's Hymnology.
Steve JobsAmerican businessman and inventor ()For other uses, see Steve Jobs (disambiguation). Steve JobsJobs introducing the iPhone 4 in BornSteven Paul Jobs91;193;()February 24, San Francisco, California, U.
बैरम खांबैरम खान(फ़ारसी: [بيرام خان] Error: {{Lang}}: text has italic markup (help)) या मोहम्मद बैरम खानअब्दुल रहीम खानेखाना के पिता जाने-माने योद्धा थे। वह अकबर के वज़ीर थे91;193; व तुर्किस्तान से आए थे।91;293; उन्हीं के संरक्षण में अकबर बड़े हुए लेकिन दरबार के कुछ लोगों ने अकबर को बैरम खान के खिलाफ भड़का दिया और उन्हें संरक्षक पद से हटा दिया गया, वह जब हज के लिए जा रहे थे तो रास्ते में उनकी हत्या कर दी गई। उस समय अब्दुल रहीम ५ साल के थे। उन्हें अकबर ने अपने पास रख लिया। बैरम खाँ तेरह वर्षीय अकबर के अतालीक (शिक्षक) तथा अभिभावक थे। बैरम खाँ खान-ए-खाना की उपाधि से सम्मानित थे। वे हुमायूँ के साढ़ू और अंतरंग मित्र थे। रहीम की माँ वर्तमान हरियाणा प्रांत के मेवाती मुस्लिम जमाल खाँ की सुंदर एवं गुणवती कन्या सुल्ताना बेगम थी। जब रहीम पाँच वर्ष के ही थे, तब गुजरात के पाटन नगर में सन १५६१ में इनके पिता बैरम खाँ की हत्या अकबर के आदेश से कर दी गई। रहीम का पालन-पोषण अकबर ने अपने धर्म-पुत्र की तरह किया।91;393;मध्य कालीन युद्धों के अरबी इतिहास ग्रंथ के प्रथम अध्याय में बैरम खां द्वारा बनवाई गई कल्ला मीनार' का उल्लेख है।91;493; इस स्थान का नाम सर मंजिल रखा गया था। सिकंदर शाह सूरी के साथ लड़ने में जितने सिर कटे थे या सैनिक मरे थे, उन्हें बटोर कर उन्हें ईंट, पत्थरें की जगह काम में लाया गया और यह ऊंची मीनार खड़ी की गई थी। मुगल बादशाहों ने और भी कितनी ही ऐसी कल्ला मीनारें युद्ध विजय के दर्प-प्रदर्शन के लिए बनवाई थीं। कल्ला, फारसी में सिर को कहते हैं। बैरम ख़ाँ हुमायूँ का सहयोगी तथा उसके नाबालिग पुत्र अकबर का वली अथवा संरक्षक था। वह बादशाह हुमायूँ का परम मित्र तथा सहयोगी भी था। अपने समस्त जीवन में बैरम ख़ाँ ने मुग़ल साम्राज्य की बहुत सेवा की थी। हुमायूँ को उसका राज्य फिर से हासिल करने तथा कितने ही युद्धों में उसे विजित कराने में बैरम ख़ाँ का बहुत बड़ा हाथ था। अकबर को भी भारत का सम्राट बनाने के लिए बैरम ख़ाँ ने असंख्य युद्ध किए और हेमू जैसे शक्तिशाली राजा को हराकर भारत में मुग़ल साम्राज्य की स्थापना में महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया। मुग़ल साम्राज्य में अकबर की दूधमाता माहम अनगा ही थी, जो बैरम ख़ाँ के विरुद्ध साज़िश करती रहती थी। ये इन्हीं साज़िशों का नतीजा था कि बैरम को हज के लिए आदेश दिया गया, जहाँ ई. में उसकी हत्या कर दी गई। वंश परिचय बैरम ख़ाँ का सम्बन्ध तूरान (मध्य एशिया) की तुर्कमान जाति से था। हैदराबाद के निज़ाम भी तुर्कमान थे। इतिहासकार कासिम फ़रिश्ता के अनुसार वह ईरान के कराकुइलु तुर्कमानों के बहारलु शाखा से सम्बद्ध था। अलीशकर बेग तुर्कमान तैमूर के प्रसिद्ध सरदारों में से एक था, जिसे हमदान, दीनवर, खुजिस्तान आदि पर शासक नियुक्त किया गया था। अलीशकर की सन्तानों में शेरअली बेग हुआ। तैमूरी शाह हुसेन बायकरा के बाद जब तूरान में सल्तनत बरबाद हुई, तो शेरअली काबुल की तरफ भाग्य परीक्षा करने के लिए आया। उसका बेटा यारअली और पोता सैफअली अफ़ग़ानिस्तान चले आये। यारअली को बाबर ने ग़ज़नी का हाकिम नियुक्त किया। थोड़े ही दिनों के बाद उसके मरने पर बेटे सैफअली को वहीं दर्जा मिला। वह भी जल्दी ही मर गया। अल्प वयस्क बैरम अपने घरवालों के साथ बल्ख चला गया। हुमायूँ से मित्रता बल्ख में वह कुछ दिनों तक पढ़ता-लिखता रहा। फिर वह समवयस्क शाहज़ादा हुमायूँ का नौकर और बाद में उसका मित्र हो गया। बैरम ख़ाँ को साहित्य और संगीत से भी बहुत प्रेम था। वह जल्दी ही अपने स्वामी का अत्यन्त प्रिय हो गया था। 16 वर्ष की आयु में ही एक लड़ाई में बैरम ख़ाँ ने बहुत वीरता दिखाई, उसकी ख्याति बाबर तक पहुँच गई, तब बाबर ने खुद उससे कहा;: शाहज़ादा के साथ दरबार में हाजिर करो। बाबर के मरने के बाद वह हुमायूँ बादशाह की छाया के तौर पर रहने लगा। हुमायूँ ने चांपानेर (गुजरात) के क़िले पर घेरा डाला। किसी तरह से दाल ग़लती न देखकर चालीस मुग़ल बहादुर सीढ़ियों के साथ क़िले में उतर गए, जिनमें बैरम ख़ाँ भी था। क़िला फ़तह कर लिया गया। शेरशाह से चौसा में लड़ते वक़्त बैरम ख़ाँ भी साथ ही था। कन्नौज में भी वह लड़ा। इन सभी घटनाओं ने हुमायूँ और बैरम ख़ाँ को एक अटूट मित्रता में बाँध दिया था। जीवन दान कन्नौज की लड़ाई में पराजय के बाद मुग़ल सेना में जिसकी सींग जिधर समाई, वह उधर भागा। बैरम ख़ाँ अपने पुराने दोस्त सम्भल के मियाँ अब्दुल वहाब के पास पहुँचा। फिर लखनऊ के राजा मित्रसेन के पास जंगलों में दिन गुज़ारता रहा। शेरशाही हाकिम नसीर ख़ाँ को पता लगा। उसने बैरम ख़ाँ को पकड़ मंगवाया। नसीर ख़ाँ चाहता था कि बैरम ख़ाँ को कत्ल कर दें, पर दोस्तों की कोशिश से बैरम ख़ाँ किसी प्रकार से बच गया। अन्त में उसे शेरशाह के सामने हाजिर होना पड़ा, जिसने एक मामूली मुग़ल सरदार को महत्व न देकर उसे माफ कर दिया और जीवन दान दे दिया। कंधार के हाकिम का पद बैरम ख़ाँ फिर से गुजरात के सुल्तान महमूद के पास गया, पर उसे अपने स्वामी से मिलने की धुन थी। जब हिजरी ( ई.
David Attenborough | BiographyIconic Natural History BroadcasterDavid Attenborough, a celebrated broadcaster and naturalist, has dedicated his life to wildlife conservation and education through nature documentaries. Who is David Attenborough?David Attenborough, born on May 8, , in London, England, is a renowned broadcaster and natural historian best known for his work in wildlife documentaries.
Instructor and AffiliationsChief InstructorChief Instructor of Aikido of San Luis Obispo is Mary Tesoro, 6th dan (6th degree BlackBelt). Tesoro Sensei has trained in Aikido since Frank Doran Shihan is her primary teacher.
Maurizio AnzeriItalian contemporary artistMaurizio Anzeri (born 8 April , in Loano, Italy) is an Italian contemporary artist living and working in London. He works in a variety of media including sculpture, photography, drawing and traditional craft techniques.
About the TechnologyLooking for a technical intro video walk-through to help you get started. IndexOverviewOpen Library is powered by Infogami, a wiki application framework built on Unlike other wikis, Infogami has the flexibility to handle different classes of data, including structured data.
Atiur RahmanBangladeshi economistAtiur Rahman (Bengali: আতিউর রহমান; born 3 August )91;293; is a Bangladeshi development economist, author, and banker. He served as the 10th Governor of Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh.
Actor Profile: Christopher WalkenActor Profile: Christopher WalkenChristopher Walken is one of the most iconic and enigmatic actors of his generation. Known for his distinctive voice, offbeat delivery, and unparalleled ability to portray both sinister villains and quirky comedic characters, Walken has captivated audiences for decades.
Claude FrançoisClaude François, surnommé «;Cloclo;», est un chanteur, danseur, musicien et producteur musicalfrançais, né le à Ismaïlia (Égypte) et mort le à Paris;16e. Lors de ses quinze années de carrière dans les années et , il est lun des artistes français les plus appréciés du public.
Núria FeliuSpanish Catalan singer ()In this Catalan name, the first or paternal32;surname is Feliu32;and the second or maternal family name is Mestres; both are generally joined by the conjunction "i". Musical artistNúria Feliu i Mestres (21 September 22 July ) was a Spanish Catalan singer and actress, a singular figure of the Nova Cançó movement.
Rasiklal AndhariaRasiklal Andharia() Raga Hamsadhwani Raga Pratapavarali Raga NandAbout Rasiklal Andharia[This account is written by Shilpa Andharia (daughter of Rasiklal Andharia) and translated by Kumud Bhatt of Bhavnagar. My thanks to Professor Kumar Bhatt for following up and making this sketch available.
Short Biography of Imam Bukhari Imam Bukhari is a famous Hadith expert together with Imam Ahmad, Imam Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, An-Nasai, and Ibn Majah. It has been unanimously agreed that Imam Bukharis work is the most authentic of all the other works in Hadith literature put together.
Dilys LayeEnglish actress and singer ()Dilys Laye (born Dilys Lay; 11 March ; 13 February ) was an English actress and singer, best known for her comedy roles, in which she was seen in the West End and on Broadway for more than fifty years, beginning in Although primarily a stage performer, she broadcast frequently on radio and television, and appeared in films. Laye's teenage work included drama, pantomime, revue and early experiences in television and film.
జాతి గుర్తుంచు కోవలసిన ఆదర్శ నేత - శ్రీ లాల్ బహదూర్ శాస్త్రి - జె వి కుమార్ చేపూరి శ్రీ లాల్ బహదూర్ శాస్త్రి భారత దేశపు రెండవ ప్రధాన మంత్రి (9th June ndash; 11 January ) శ్రీ లాల్ బహదూర్ శాస్త్రి ఉత్తర ప్రదేశ్ లోని ముఘల్సరాయిలో వ సంవత్సరం అక్టోబర్ 2వ తేదీన శ్రీవాస్తవnbsp; కాయస్థ కుటుంబంలో శారదా ప్రసాద్ శ్రీవాస్తవ, రామదులారి దేవి దంపతులకు జన్మించారు. లాల్ బహదూర్ శాస్త్రి తండ్రి మొదట బడి పంతులు గా పనిచేసి తరువాత అలహాబాద్ లోని రెవిన్యూ కార్యాలయంలో గుమాస్తాగా స్థిర పడ్డారు.
Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS TrustThe Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust serves a population of , and provides healthcare services to the communities of Harlow and the surrounding areas. It runs Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Essex, England which is a bedded District General Hospital providing acute and specialist services to a local population of , people.
Biography0 ratings0 found this document useful (0 votes) viewsSylvia Plath was born in in Massachusetts and showed an early talent for writing, publishing her first poem at age eight. She had a successful academic career but also struggled with mental health issues, making her first suicide attempt in college.
Sexta-feira, 1812E natilde;o sobrou nenhum (o caso dos dez negrinhos)Gian Danton Escrito em , "O caso dos dez negrinhos" estaacute;, sem sombra de duacute;vida, entre o melhor de Agatha Christie. Uma histoacute;ria tatilde;o boa que acabou sendo adaptada ou simplesmente imitada dezenas de vezes, de filmes a episoacute;dios de "Uma famiacute;lia da pesada".
Nancy Ann KerriganAmerican singles figure skaterDate of Birth: Country: USAContent:Nancy Kerrigan: An Olympic Star and Symbol of American DeterminationA Rising StarA Triumphant SeasonAssault and RedemptionThe Olympics: Triumph and ControversyPost-Olympic CareerPersonal Life and PhilanthropyA Legacy of InspirationNancy Kerrigan: An Olympic Star and Symbol of American DeterminationEarly Life and Skating JourneyNancy Kerrigan, born on October 13, , in Woburn, Massachusetts, embarked on her skating journey at the tender age of six. Encouraged by her father, Daniel, a welder who worked tirelessly to support her dreams, Nancy began training seriously at the age of eight.
Early Life Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, , at Porbandar, in the present-day Indian state of Gujarat. His father was the dewan (chief minister) of Porbandar; his deeply religious mother was a devoted practitioner of Vaishnavism (worship of the Hindu god Vishnu), influenced by Jainism, an ascetic religion governed by tenets of self-discipline and nonviolence.
Juan Manuel BlanesUruguayan painter ()Juan Manuel Blanes (June 8, April 15, ) was a Uruguayan painter of the Realist school. Life and workBlanes was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in He was raised by his mother, with whom he relocated to the countryside in his early teens.
Imee MarcosSenator of the Philippines since Not to be confused with her adopted sister, Aimee Marcos. In this Philippine name, the middle name or maternal 32;family name is Romualdez32;and the surname or paternal family name is Marcos, and the martial name is Manotoc.
Quick FactsMalkit Singh BiographyNameMalkit SinghBirthdaySep 13Birth YearPlace Of BirthHussainpurHome TownPunjabBirth CountryIndiaBirth SignVirgoSiblingsHarvinder SinghChildren(s)Amardip BhopariMalkit Singh is one of the most popular and richest Pop Singer who was born on September 13, in Hussainpur, Punjab, India. He is best known for songs like Jind Mahi and was the most successful Bhangra solo artist in Queen Elizabeth 2 honored him.
Thomas GirardiDisbarred attorneyTom GirardiBornThomas Vincent Girardi () June 3, (age;85)Denver, Colorado, USEducationLoyola Marymount University (BA, JD)New York University School of Law (LLM)OccupationFormer lawyerSpousesKaren Weitzul;32;;40;m. ;59;32;div.
Joaquín NinCuban pianist and composerJoaquín Nin y Castellanos91;a93; (29 September 24 October )91;193; was a Cubanpianist and composer. Nin was the father of Anaïs Nin.